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bms is connected to a wide range of professional associations, business schools and a roster of consultants, researchers and trainers.


  • ESOMAR ((European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research)

  • AMA (American Marketing Association)

  • Swiss Data Insights Association

  • SMC (Swiss Marketing Club)


Universities and Business Schools:

  • City University (USA/CH/D)

  • European University (B/CH)

  • Smithers Rapra (UK)

  • MIP (IT)

  • HWZ (CH)

  • SBS (CH)

  • BSL (CH)

  • Kalaidos (CH)

  • HSLU (CH)

  • SwissRe Academy (CH)


Social Media Presence:

  • Linkedin



  • Roster of Freelance Consultants, Researchers and Trainers at Immediate Disposal.


Publications: List upon request

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